Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Because of COVID-19, Easter was very different this year.  We weren't able to spend it with our families like we usually do, but we sure had a memorable one with just the five of us at home.  On Good Friday, your cousins and Say Say stopped by to exchange Easter gifts.  We visit while staying at least 6 feet away from each other.  Uncle Will was nice enough to boil some extra crawfish for us Friday evening, so Daddy and REALLY enjoyed that!!  We also made some Easter Bunny food.
On Saturday, the weather was BEAUTIFUL, so we had our Easter Egg Hunt a day early.  We spent a lot of time outside Saturday.  On Sunday, the weather was gloomy, so we stayed in all day.  We ate bunny pancakes for breakfast, got dressed for mass in our living room with Father Trey, and we had steak, potatoes, and salad for lunch in the dining room.  After everyone took a nap (except Daddy), we played inside all afternoon.  We made sure to call Granny and wish her a Happy Easter.  Even though we missed spending time with our families today, we had a beautiful Easter at home.  
God is risen!

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