Saturday, July 25, 2020

Watersound 2020

We had a GREAT time in Watersound this week!  In the past, we have always gone to Watersound with Mimi, Pop Pop, and the Fallers.  Because of COVID this year, they didn't feel comfortable going.  We sure did miss them, but we still made some unforgettable memories.  This was the first beach trip all 3 of you enjoyed both the sand AND the water.  Joseph began this trip not wanting to even go near the water, but by Thursday, he was getting his toes wet and playing in it!  We enjoyed riding the golf cart, getting ice cream and a snowball, shopping at Duckies, buying new Seaside Tshirts, building sharks, turtles, and castles in the sand, throwing the football into the water and letting the waves return it, finding beautiful seashells, taking showers outside, and SO MUCH MORE.  You three are growing so fast, and Daddy and I are trying to soak in this precious time as much as we can.  We love you and loved spending every minute with you this week.


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