Monday, July 13, 2020

Tadpole Academy Swim Lessons

Mommy was unsure whether or not to sign you up for swim lessons this summer due to COVID-19.  Because of all of the precautions Tadpole Academy is taking, I felt comfortable to sign you three up.  
Day 1- All three of you cried and didn't want to jump in the water.  By the end of class, all three of you had stopped crying and started enjoying yourselves.
Day 2- You three did beautifully!  Catherine is kicking and using her ice cream scoops, Caroline is holding her bubble better and kicking, and Joseph is kicking and scooping a little.  He needs to work on opening his eyes, though!
Day 3- Joseph didn't want to make a splash when jumping in the water.  He swam well, kicking and scooping, but eyes are still closed.  Catherine and Caroline are both jumping in, kicking, and Catherine is scooping great!

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