Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween 2020

Paw Patrol was on a roll tonight!  You all had been asking to go dressed up as Paw Patrol since last year, so we made it happen!  Caroline went as Skye, Catherine went as Everest, Joseph was Chase, Mommy was Marshall, and Daddy was Ryder.  We went to MiMi and Pop Pop's house before Trick-or-Treating for some chili and hot dogs.  The Fallers and Ray Ray and Natalie came, too.  Then we walked over to the Teliches and met up with our friends.  You guys were fast this year, and you came home with a TON of candy!!  We had at least 15 full-size candy bars!  It was so much fun watching you guys having so much fun.  We love you!


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