Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter 2021

It was a beautiful Easter weekend!  On Good Friday, we made nests, bunny bait, and bunny chow.  Saturday, we went to the Fallers' house for a crawfish boil with Uncle Will's side of the family.  On Easter Sunday, Mommy wasn't feeling well since I got the second dose of COVID vaccine yesterday, so we watched mass from home.  Mommy's side of the family and Daddy's side of the family came over for lunch, and we had a fun afternoon.  He is risen!

Putting out the nests we made to see if the Easter Bunny will pass earlier.

Making our bunny bait. ;)

Granny was able to leave St. Joseph Manor for the first time today since March 2020.  We were so thankful to see her and have her visit in Baton Rouge!

Putting out our bunny bait


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