Friday, August 6, 2021

Catherine's First Day of First Grade

Catherine had a great first day of first grade today.  You woke up nervous and crying, but you soon settled down, ate a good breakfast, and felt excited.  You got the jitters again on the way to school, and you teared up when we got there.  You pulled it together and marched right into your classroom when we go there.  Mommy wanted a kiss goodbye, so I went in to get one, and you started crying.  I felt terrible!  I quickly left, and Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Yvonne both texted me later saying that you were having a wonderful day.  They are such blessings to me!
When I picked you up from school, you were all smiles and said you had a great day.  You played with Caroline, Claire, and a new girl you don't remember her name. You are excited about going back on Monday. 
I can't believe you are in first grade already.  You make me proud every day, you work hard, you are so smart, you are kind, and I love you so much my girl.


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