Sunday, October 31, 2021

The BOO Dress

This BOO dress has been worn by Elizabeth, Grace, Anna, Catherine, and now Caroline.  It is getting a little short, so it will need be retired soon.  There is a turkey on the other side, so she'll get to flip it over and wear it through Thanksgiving.  What a sweet dress!


Halloween 2021

Our theme this year was "LSU".  We had the cheerleader, the football players, the Golden Girl, Mike the Tiger, the referees, the fans, and even Coach O.  Say Say took some pictures in front of the stadium a few days before Halloween.  

Coach O in the house!

Camilla's first Halloween!


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Fifty-Eight Months Old


LSU Pelicans

The LSU pelicans are BACK!!  We drove over to see them this afternoon.  They weren't in one big group like they usually are...  they were in several smaller groups.  Not sure why, but it's always fun to find them every Fall. 


Friday, October 29, 2021

Pre-KA Halloween Party

KoKo took these photos of Caroline and Joseph at their Halloween  party. 
 Looks like y'all had a great time!  


Catherine's 1A Halloween Party

We had a fun time in Catherine's class Halloween party this afternoon.  You guys snacked and played Halloween bingo.  You guys are such a sweet class!



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