Friday, October 1, 2021

October Pictures

Joseph painted the top picture at a Mommy and Me class we went to a few weeks ago.  He drew the bottom picture free-handed by looking at the top picture.  You are so talented my buddy!  

Movie Night!  Frozen 2

Mrs. Ching wants you sitting on a thick book or cushions and your feet on a short stool.  She wants your wrists to be more relaxed.  I love seeing you play the piano!

We got our pink pumpkins at Baton Rouge General!  

Happy birthday Lena!

The three amigos holding the door open for others after church.

Happy baby shower Mrs. Yvonne!  We can't wait to meet him/her!

1-2-3 Go Mermaids!

Look at that kick!

Caroline's dance class could wear a costume this week.  She chose to go as a rock star!  
She was really feeling it.  I love your spunk my sweet girl!  I hope you never lose it.  

Caroline and Joseph and their class got to visit with firefighters and tour their firetruck today at school!

Using chopsticks for the first time!

Decorating pumpkins in Willow Grove with our cousins!

Y'all did a great job!

Watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

Fun after soccer practice
Toilet paper mummies
Happy birthday Anne Marie!

Proud of her skid mark

And his ;)

Thank you again for this coloring book Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie.  Catherine loves it!


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