Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

We have so much to be thankful for this year.  Today we enjoyed spending time with our family.  We had lunch at Mimi and Pop Pop's house.  Later we had dinner at Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie's house.  We had fun watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, seeing Santa at the end, dancing, decorating Oreo turkeys, hitting a pinata, and eating all kinds of yummy food.  
Thank you, Lord, for all of our blessings, especially our family.  
Mommy and Daddy will always be most thankful for the three of you.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Mrs. Yvonne and Mr. Paul Gift You a Movie Night

Since Baby Hogan will be here soon, Mrs. Yvonne and Mr. Paul brought you your Christmas gift tonight... a Movie Night basket.  It was filled with popcorn, candy toppings, popcorn holders with your names on them, and wine for Mommy and Daddy.  They are so thoughtful and kind, and you three were excited to see them.  They will be fabulous parents, and we can't wait to snuggle that baby when he/she arrives!  Thank you Mrs. Yvonne and Mr. Paul!  


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Last Two Games for the Mighty Mermaids Season

Catherine just finished out the Mighty Mermaids season.  You love playing soccer with your friends!  You do not like taking the ball away from the other team, and you don't like to kick the ball that much either.  But you run and keep up with everyone, and you like cheering on the sidelines.  We are proud of your commitment and hard work this season.  Tails up!

Best support squad there ever was

Cheers to a fun soccer season!  Ice cream for all!



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