Monday, November 1, 2021

November Pictures

First fire of the season 11/5/21

A low-key, cozy Friday evening

We even roasted marshmallows.  Catherine is the only one who liked them.

Donuts after church?  Yes please!  With your cousins who you adore?  EVEN BETTER!

Catherine reading a book to Camilla for the first time.

Spiderman is so strong!

I did it!  I signed up for my second full marathon.  I may be crazy, and I'm scared, but I'm excited!

My little artist

You guys love looking at the birds eat from MiMi and Pop Pop's bird feeder.

Could this be Mrs. Yvonne's last day of carpool?  Daddy took a picture just in case.  Baby Hogan will be here soon!

Happy birthday Vivian!  Fun party at Young Chef's Academy

Catherine loved the pink pizza!

We accidentally ran into Santa at Heromans and took a picture with him!  Catherine asked him for pizza, Caroline asked for a unicorn that answers all of her questions, and Joseph asked for a robot with a remote control.  Santa wished me luck ;)

We found the perfect tree for us at LA Nursery!  One of these years we will go out and cut down our tree at a tree farm.

Happy 1st Birthday Camilla!

After party at Tin Roof Brewery

Thank you for the sweet smocked dress Aunt Linda!


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