Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day

We took a ride to the state capitol to see the 11,000 flags that represent all of the soldiers from Louisiana who have died since the American Revolution.  It's a great reminder of the sacrifices so many have made for us.  
We had friends over to swim later in the day.  We grilled burgers and ate popsicles and played until dark.  


Sixty-Five Months Old


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Year Two of Dance for Caroline

Caroline completed her second year of dance lessons at Tari's this weekend.  She had rehearsal on Friday morning, and Catherine and Joseph came to see her on stage.  Your ballet dance was to "This Little Light of Mine", and your tap dance was to "Lollipop".  After rehearsal, we had lunch in the LSU Student Union.  You three liked where college students hang out and eat.  Caroline's recital was on Saturday at 2:00.  You did a wonderful job!!  Catherine and Joseph stayed home with Elizabeth and Grade as their babysitters.  (This was their very first babysitting job!)  
Caroline, Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you.  You worked hard learning your dances this year, and your hard work paid off.  We love our tiny dancer!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Catherine Lost Her First Tooth!

Catherine lost her first tooth tonight! It has been wiggly all week, and in between bites of your dinner tonight, you said it felt twisty.  I saw blood in your mouth, so I went to check on it.  As I walked up to you, your tooth came out of your mouth!  You cried a little bit, but you were excited.  You left your tooth in your Tooth Fairy pillow, along with a note you wrote.
When you woke up this next morning, you discovered the Tooth Fairy left you a $5 bill! You put it straight into your piggy bank.  You look so grown up with a tooth missing. I love you!


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Knock Knock Museum Fun

We had fun with the Schmeeckles at the Knock Knock this morning.  Your favorite thing was climbing the book tower.  We went to Chic fi la after for lunch, and then headed home to watch a movie.  
I'm looking forward to a fun summer with you three!!


Monday, May 23, 2022

Happy Last Day of School Catherine!

Today was Catherine's last day of school!  Caroline, Joseph, and I joined you for closing mass.  After mass, you went back to class to get your report card, and you were dismissed at 10AM.  You did very well this year with all As on your report card.  We are so proud of you!
Yay for summer!!  Mommy and Daddy bought you an ICEE maker to enjoy ICEEs by the pool this summer.  


Saturday, May 21, 2022


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