Friday, May 13, 2022

Pre-K Graduation and Party

We had a special morning at the Pre-K Graduation. You two sang some songs, and Caroline had a solo during "Down By the Bay".  She went up to the microphone and said "Have you ever seen a bear combing his hair, down by the bay?"  You received your Pre-K Certificate afterwards, and then we took several pictures!  Along with the Teliches and Schmeeckles, we cohosted the Pre-K party afterwards from 4-6.  It was pouring down rain for a while, but it ended up stopping and working out!  You guys and your friends had a blast jumping in the Unicorn bouncy, eating pizza, and drinking snowballs.  Cheers to Summer Break!  Daddy and I are so proud of you.  Next stop... Kindergarten!


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