Saturday, July 30, 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022

Happy 60th Birthday Father Trey!

We had an amazing night at Restaurant Revolution celebrating Father Trey's 60th birthday!  We were in the chef's room, which overlooked the kitchen. The food and wine were outstanding, and the company was, too.  It was fun getting to celebrate such a special person in our lives.  Happy birthday Father Trey!  Thank you for being you.  


Friday, July 22, 2022

Summer Vacation to D.C. and Niagara Falls

What a fun week it was!  The five of us took a trip to Washington D.C. and Niagara Falls.  
You three are great travelers!  

Day 1: Fly to D.C., Arlington National Cemetery, Air Force Memorial, Pentagon, check-in to hotel (L'Enfant Hilton)

Arlington National Cemetery

Air Force Memorial


Caroline ate this pretzel for dinner!

Day 2: Electric golf cart tour of monuments and important buildings, Blue Man Group at the Kennedy Center, dinner at Founding Farmers

WWII Memorial

The Watergate Hotel

Kennedy Center

Catherine caught one of the marshmallows during the Blue Man Group show.

You three made quilt squares next door to the Kennedy Center.  They had a nice kids area for arts and crafts.

Day 3: Breakfast at Lincoln Waffles, National Children's Museum, Natural History Museum, fender bender, ice cream at Thomas Sweets, Georgetown, Korean War Memorial

Day 4: Spy Museum, National American Museum, Air and Space Museum, Lincoln Memorial (again), Vietnam Memorial, Old Ebbit Grill

Day 5: Fly to Buffalo, NY, Lunch at Table Rock Restaurant, Journey Behind the Falls, Flower Clock, Butterfly Conservatory, Dinner at Outback

Day 6: Niagara Falls tour (4.5 hours, including Maid of the Mist boat ride), lunch at DiCamillo Bakery, souvenir shopping, dinner at Sklyon Tower

Day 7: Travel home, small layover in Chicago

You three love the walking escalators.  You walked back and forth on them for 30 minutes straight!

Caroline and Joseph waiting to see the Buckle Seatbelt light turn off after we landed

And they are OUT!  All three were sound asleep on the way home from New Orleans.  
What a wonderful trip!!  I'm very thankful for these opportunities to see different places and spend this time together.  I love you four so much!



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