Monday, August 1, 2022

August Pictures

Catherine's first slumber party... Julia came!

We found a bird's nest on our front door wreath, and the eggs hatched this morning.  We heard loud chirping, and sure enough, we saw baby birds!

We love our Thursday milkshakes with Granny!

Birthday party for Madeline at Skate Galaxy. This was Catherine's first skating party!

Thanks for teaching Catherine how to peel crabs Ray Ray!

Doing a little reading before bed.

Climbing "Rug Mountain" while shopping with MiMi at Revivial Antiques in Lafayette.

Catherine's binder cover at school

Look at all of the fun things we did this summer!

Happy Friday!  We saw a rainbow on our way into school.  (Joseph didn't want to get in the picture.)

Helping Mommy make brownies for Game Night

Advertisting the Nursery and Children's Liturgy at church

Princess Tea Party for Lucy Guerin's birthday


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