Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November Pictures

Spirit Week at School- Dress as a First Responder

Dress as a Super Hero!

Happy 3rd birthday Luke!

Caroline sliced her finger in the door at school and had a high fever, so I picked her up and brought her to Urgent Care.  They cleaned her finger and said she has a fever virus.  Poor baby was exhausted and took a nap on the exam table.  

Caroline helped me vote today since she was home sick.  I love my little sidekick!

Your class turkey looks amazing!

Happy birthday Adeline!! 

First fire of the season!

Decorating your little trees for your bedrooms

Thank you for our fun Christmas gift this year Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie, and Camilla!
We are excited to have a family day of fun Christmas activities!  We love you.

St. Jude Christmas decorations


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