Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy 6th Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Happy 6th birthday Joseph and Caroline!  We had SO MUCH FUN celebrating you today!!!
You woke up with balloons in your room, followed by presents in the living room for you to open.  You had some friends over dressed in pajamas and you all ate pancakes and played games with pancakes.  Then you all got dressed and we went to the Knock Knock Museum.  We picked up your birthday cake on the way home, changed clothes, and went eat dinner at Superior.  MiMi, Pop Pop, Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie and Camilla joined us.  You all were exhausted, everyone was, so we decided to save the cake for tomorrow.  We cut some and delivered it to everyone who was at dinner. 
I do not know how six years have come and gone already.  Watching you two grow and change and learn and become the wonderful little people you are is my greatest joy.  I love you so much today and everyday.



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