Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas 2022- The Year Mommy Had the Flu

Christmas this year definitely looked different this year.  Mommy started feeling sick on Dec 21, and tested positive for the flu on Dec 23.  So we spent Christmas at home just the five of us.  We sure did miss our extended family.  Luckily we go to celebrate with Mommy's side of the family on Dec 27 at Say Say's house.  Teita and Jeddo went to Acapulco for NYE, so we will celebrate with them when they return.
I am so thankful for Daddy and for you three.  You make every Christmas special, you make my heart happy, and there is no one else I'd rather spend Christmas with.  Merry Christmas my babies. I love you.

Decorating cookies for Santa

Making reindeer food!

Sprinkling the reindeer food

Pop Pop read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to us over FaceTime this year.


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