Sunday, January 1, 2023

NYE and New Year's Day

Mommy spent most of NYE with Granny and MiMi.  But we did go to the Schmeeckles house to celebrate with friends around 6:00.  We watched the "balls drop" at 9:00 off their balcony, but we ended up staying there until around 11:15 PM.  This was the first NYE that you three stayed up until midnight and watched the ball drop on TV!  You all snuggled up with me in bed and we watched it together.  You ended up waking up late the next morning...around 9:00!  Mommy spent a lot of New Year's Day with Granny again, but I did manage to cook some black-eyed peas and some cabbage.  You weren't thrilled about eating it, but hey, it's a tradition!


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