Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March Pictures

Right before Children's Liturgy of the Word

Joseph cut his toe during soccer and wanted to sit out the rest of practice.

Last basketball game of the K intramural season

When Mommy hosts brunch for her friends, Daddy takes you bowling!!

Happy birthday Scarlett!

Aimee and Jeff received the most precious gift today. 
Welcome to the world George!  We love you already.  3/16/23

Spirit socks at school!  You three were excited because you were voted best socks in your class and got to go to the office for a picture. Woo hoo!

Noah was walking by and wanted to get in the picture. 

Kindergarten- Donuts With Dad

Mommy came to read to Catherine's class in the library.

Catherine's first McDonald's French fry.  She was lovin' it!

Caroline liked it, too!

Color Wars at school this week!


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