Friday, June 30, 2023

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Happy half-birthday to my silly, smart, high-energy 6 1/2 year olds!  I love you more than words can say and I'm so thankful I get to watch you grow and learn something new each day.  Keep shining your light and putting God first.  I love you to pieces!


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

Catherine and Caroline Attend Aladdin Camp at Manship Theater

What an awesome week you girls had at Manship Theater Camp!  This was your first experience with being in a play, and you loved it!  You have been singing Aladdin songs for days, and you had fun learning the dance moves, songs, and your parts (skeleton and shop owner/shopper). You are already talking about wanting to go back next year.  Daddy and I are so proud of you both!!  


Joseph Attends Baseball Camp at Catholic High

Joseph is going to baseball camp at Catholic High this week.  The first day you were nervous, but you loved camp the rest of the week!  


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Father's Day 2023

We had a fun-filled Father's Day today!  We went to mass, and then we met Mommy's side of the family at Top Golf.  This was your first time going there and swinging a golf club, so it was fun watching y'all.  Pop Pop taught you all the correct way to stand and swing.  We had lunch there, sweat quite a bit from the heat, and had such a good time!  Later that afternoon, Daddy's side of the family came to our house.  Ray Ray BBQed, and you all swam.  It's always fun when Camilla and Baby Antoine come over to play! 
Michael (Daddy), you are so loved.  We are thankful for all you do for us.  You work so hard, make it home early most days to make sure you have time to spend with your babies, and you make us all smile.  We love you so much.  Happy Father's Day babe!


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Caroline Got Her Ears Pierced!

Caroline was not ready to get her ears pierced when she turned six.  My rule was you had to be six.  I told her to let me know when she was ready.  Last week, Caroline came up to me and said she thought she was ready. I made an appointment, and you got it done today!  You were so brave, sat very still, and only flinched for a second.  You look so grown up!  Time, please slow down.  I love you my girl!

Last look at your cute ears before getting pierced!



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