Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Caroline's First Day of Gymnastics

Caroline began gymnastics lessons at Edge today!  This is your first time taking gymnastics, and you are in the Beginner I class.  You were so excited!  You did a great job, listened to your coach, and tried your best.  When you finished after your hour class, you came to me and started crying.  I thought maybe you didn't like it, but you said you didn't want to leave!  You thought your lesson was too short.  I reassured you you'd be back next Wednesday for your second class. ;)
Catherine started her third year of gymnastics (2nd year at Edge).  You were so excited because you and your friend Caroline are finally in the same class! You are in Intermediate I again this year.
I hope you both learn a lot, work hard, do your best, and have FUN!!!


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