Saturday, July 1, 2023

July Pictures

Math practice on IXL this summer

Mommy school

Pink eye for this guy.  Caroline has a minor case of it, too, but Joseph had it worse.  Luckily the drops worked quickly!

MiMi used to serve me pudding and jello in these little dishes when I was a kid.  We used them today and they made me smile!

Catherine's first Starbucks drink- vanilla Frappuccino, no caffeine
She loved it!

Sweet baby George

Fun at Kenilworth Pool with her BFF

Sushi at Sushiyama

Ice cream treat after dinner.  We love Marble Slab!

Caroline and Joseph's first Starbucks drinks- mocha Frappuccino, no caffeine for Joseph and strawberry Frappuccino with whipped cream, no caffeine for Caroline

Look who got his Catholic High baseball cap

Catherine won this week's Guessing Game at the Bluebonnet library.  She guessed there were 90 music note erasers in the jar, and there were 98 of them.  Way to go my girl!

Lunch and a movie... watching The Sound of Music for the first time.  The girls loved it.  Joseph, not so much.

Joseph invited a few friends over to swim.  Grant Jeider, Brady Goad, Henry Goad, Otis Olinde, Grant Chapman, and Noah Moracco.  Sweet friends!

First time eating at the LSU Dairy Store.  Yum!

Vanilla for Catherine

Strawberry for Caroline

Chocolate cookies n cream for Joseph

Joseph and Pop Pop playing Trouble while his sisters are back home having a swim party.
Caroline folded all of the towels this morning by herself.  I love you sweet girl!

Catherine gave Joseph and Caroline a topic- dinosaurs.
They had to create something on that topic.  Here is what they came up with!


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