Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

Grand Isle

We had a fun weekend in Grand Isle.  We stayed at the Thibodeaux camp again! You guys had fun swimming, playing with your cousins, and playing games. Caroline was brave enough to go check on the crab traps with Mommy and Pop Pop.  Catherine and Joseph weren't too sure about it... maybe next time!  Catherine loved eating the crabs and boiled shrimp, and Say Say won the snack award with the giant container of cheese balls!  Love you all more than words can say!


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

First Day of First Grade and Third Grade

Today was Catherine's first day of third grade and Caroline and Joseph's first day of first grade!
Catherine has Mrs. Porta and Ms. Allen, and Caroline and Joseph have Ms. Albert.  
All three of you were excited to start school, and no tears were shed when I dropped you off.  This was the first year Mommy didn't cry on my way home from dropping you at school. I pray you all have a safe and fun school year, learn a lot, and continue being kind to others.  I love you so much!


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

School Year's Eve 2023


Happy 71st birthday Teita!  We love you!

Caroline won her first game of Solitaire!

Beignets at Coffee Call has become a tradition!


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