Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Summertime in Colorado

What a fun few days in Colorado!  Our trip was delayed by a day due to our flight being cancelled, but we were able to schedule with Southwest and fly out early Wednesday morning.  We flew into Denver and drove 5 1/2 hours to Pagosa Springs where we went tubing, hiked Treasure Falls, and explored the hot springs our our resort.  Thursday morning we drove to Durango, rode a train to Cascade Canyon, and drove to see the Four Corners Monument.  Friday, we drove to Mesa Verde National Park and toured one of the cliff dwellings there.  We also went to Purgatory Resort and had fun riding the alpine slide, mining for gems, riding the chair lift, and driving go-karts (we will never send Caroline up on a chair lift by herself again!).  Saturday morning, we packed up and drove to the Grand Sand Dunes and went sledding (after quite the hike through the sands!).  Then we traveled four more hours back to the Denver airport.  Daddy clocked over 1,200 miles of driving this trip, and you three were AMAZING travelers!!  We snacked, played games in the car, and made so many memories together.  
I'm feeling very thankful for this time with my babies and their daddy!


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