Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!  We got home from a wonderful trip to Disney World yesterday, so feeling very thankful for a wonderful trip and time together.  MiMi broke her arm Monday and had surgery yesterday, so it wasn't the Thanksgiving we were planning.  We still gathered at her house and ate lunch together.  MiMi sat in her chair, and we made sure to clean up after ourselves.  You and your cousins made Oreo turkeys!  Then we went over to Teita and Jeddo's house for dinner.  Joe Joe came in town, so it's always fun seeing him!  Y'all love spending time with Camilla and Antoine, too.  
We have so much to be thankful for, but the biggest thing I'm thankful for is the three of you and Daddy. I thank God for the four of you every day. I love you!!

Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!

It's Santa!  Christmas season has officially begun!


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