Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day 2023

We had a restful, wonderful Christmas.  Caroline called Mommy on her Alexa at 7:20AM saying she and Catherine couldn't wait anymore!  Joseph was still sound asleep, but Mommy woke him up and carried him to his sisters' hallway so they could come out together.  Once the Christmas music came on, you three came running through the wooden doors.  You didn't look at your gifts first thing, though! Y'all ran to find baby Jesus to put him in the manger. :)  Then you ran to see your gifts.  Catherine's favorite was her laptop, Joseph loved his scooter and Hot Wheels track, and Caroline loved her bike, Live Pet fish, and microphone.  MiMi and Pop Pop came to see what you got from Santa and had breakfast with us.  Then Teita and Jeddo stopped by early afternoon.  After they left, we played the game LIFE and then blew up the air mattress, popped popcorn, and watched Elf.
You three make every Christmas so special.  I love you!


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