Monday, April 1, 2024

April Pictures

Ears are pierced (again!)

MiMi and Pop Pop took all seven of you to brunch (and Mommy!).  Spoke and Hub had some delicious pancakes (all seven of you ordered chocolate chip pancakes!)

Intramural basketball- Go Light Blue Team!

Just a few of Caroline's journal entries at school

And a few of Joseph's journal entries...

Town Donuts for the win!

Daddy got a gnome from the Masters '24

We released our butterflies!

Joseph had his tube removed from his ear this morning.  The other one fell out in Colorado in February.  They are only supposed to stay in your ear for two years, so it was time for it to come out.  You did great!

Caroline loves playing across the street at Rebecca's house :)

Movie night

My handsome boy

Catherine and Joseph made the church bulletin.

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