Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Time in New Orleans

Mommy and Daddy planned to meet Uncle Casey, Aunt Kay, and Julia in New Orleans for the day.  Right before leaving, we found out that Mimi and Pop Pop were heading to New Orleans, too!  This was a nice surprise!  It was a chilly day, so we bundled you up and met Mimi and Pop Pop around Fulton Street.  We walked around and looked at Christmas decorations, and then met up with everyone else.  We then all walked to the Roosevelt Hotel.  The decorations were beautiful!  You were amazed at all of the lights and were looking all around you.  We brought you to eat pizza at Wood later that afternoon.  What a fun day!


On the Friday before New Orleans, Mommy and Daddy had a night out with their friends.  They went to Houmas House for a nice dinner, and Teita and Jeddo stayed with you.  This was the first time Mommy and Daddy left you with a babysitter for an evening. 

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