Monday, December 7, 2015

Eleven Weeks Old

You are smiling so much!  You rolled over for the first time this week, too! (December 10th)
You were in your crib having tummy time when you rolled over to your back.  Mommy couldn't believe you did it!  She put you back on your tummy to see if you would roll over again, but you didn't.  You must have been tired.  You are getting stronger and stronger everyday.

This video was taken right after you rolled over for the first time.  Mommy videoed you just in case you decided to roll over again.  You were trying, but you didn't do it again.  Hopefully we will get you rolling over on video next time.
Your Daddy's cousin, Andrea, came to visit from Mexico City.  She loved holding you and playing with you.  She was there when you rolled over for the first time, too!  Hopefully she will come back to visit soon.  Here are some pictures from your eleventh week.

 Dinner at Teita and Jeddo's house.

Daddy's cousin, Andrea, holding you!

Dinner at Sullivan's.  You were so good!  You didn't cry at all during dinner!

You are always kicking your legs, so you love your new kicking keyboard!

All snuggled up for bed.

You love bath time!
While Daddy was in Mexico, Mommy brought you to see Mimi, PopPop, and your cousins. Say-Say and Uncle Will were out of town, so Mimi and PopPop were babysitting.  We had a lot of fun!  Your cousins love you so much.

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