Sunday, March 27, 2016

Catherine's First Easter

Your first Easter weekend was a great one!  On Saturday, we went to Say-Say and Uncle Will's house for a crawfish boil.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous!  Granny and Grandpa gave you an Easter book, small stuffed bunny, and money for your piggy bank.  Mimi and Pop Pop gave you a fish bubble and a barnyard toy. Say-Say, Uncle Will, and your cousins gave you a stuffed bunny, chew toy, and Pat the Zoo book.  You are so loved!  On Easter Sunday, the weather was terrible! We woke up and showed you what the Easter Bunny brought you, and we played with your toys most of the morning.  Say-Say, Uncle Will, and your cousins came over for a few minutes after church to take pictures with you.  Teita and Jeddo came by for a visit later in the day. 
Pop Pop feeding you carrots.




 The Easter Bunny passed!

Easter morning




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