Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mommy's 34th Birthday

Today is Mommy's 34th birthday... her first birthday since you've been born.  This was my most special birthday because you were here to celebrate with me.  Daddy made me coffee and breakfast, and I got kisses from you when you woke up.  We got dressed and met Mimi, Granny, Grandpa, Say-Say, Anna, Charlie, and Daddy for lunch at Mike Anderson's.  Grandpa's birthday was Saturday (March 5th), so we celebrated his birthday, too!  Later that day, Daddy came home from work and we just relaxed at home with you. We read some books to you, fed you some rice cereal, and gave you tons of hugs.  It was a wonderful day!

Mommy, Daddy, and you gave Grandpa a framed picture of him holding you.  I took this picture of you staring up at him a few weeks ago.  Grandpa loved how you were just staring up at him.  He (and Granny) loved the gift so much they cried.

You spotted Daddy!

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