Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Grandpa Passed Away

Your Great-Grandpa David passed away today at the age of 87.  He loved you very much. Mommy will always treasure the moments the two of you spent together.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

One Year Pictures/ Family Pictures

We brought you outside at the Rural Life Museum this morning to have your one year pictures taken, along with some family pictures.  Julie Cerise did an amazing job!  You looked so grown up in your pink Feltman Brothers dress.  Here are just a few of my favorites.


Sneak Peek From Your One Year Photo Session

We can't wait to see how your pictures turned out!  You looked so grown up sitting there on that crate!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Mommy's Minivan

Daddy bought Mommy a 2017 Limited Chrysler Pacifica!!  Mommy LOVES it and we're pretty sure you do, too!  ;)  We needed a bigger vehicle for when we welcome your brother and sister into the world!

Forty-Nine Weeks Old

My first attempt at taking your 49-week pictures was a fail.  You just wanted to play with the blocks!

So I had to sneak the blocks behind you when you weren't looking...  ;)

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mama's Gettin' a Minivan!

Mommy's test-driving a Chrysler Pacifica to see how she likes it.  Now that your brother and sister are on the way, we need a bigger vehicle.  Mommy loves it and can't wait to get the van that will be hers to keep!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Eleven Months Old

How did this happen? It feels like I just gave birth to you last week.  You are one month away from being one year old, and it's unbelievable.  You are growing, learning, and changing everyday, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to Mommy and Daddy. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Forty-Seven Weeks Old

This past weekend, much of South Louisiana flooded.  Nobody knew this was coming.  We thought it would rain, but we did not realize we would get almost three feet of rain in some places.  Fourteen trillion gallons of water is now trying to drain out of rivers, and bayous and ditches are stretched beyond capacity.  Livingston Parish, Ascension Parish, East Baton Rouge Parish, and several other parishes in South Louisiana were effected.  This was considered the worst natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy.  Such a catastrophe!  Mommy and Daddy and our families were extremely fortunate... none of us got water in our homes. Daddy has been helping family friends clean out their home, and Mommy has been getting supplies ready to donate to shelters. 
Despite this awful event, you turned 47 weeks today!  You are starting to pull up with ease, and you are walking with your toy walker very well.  It won't be long now before you're walking by yourself!  I can't believe you are a few short weeks away from your 1st birthday!  We love you!
You were not happy because you wanted to press the button on Mommy's phone and she took it away.

All better!

This picture and the next two pictures were taken by Daddy while he worked at his Aunt Berta's home.  They had water up to their roof, and everything was destroyed. 


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Give Me Five!

You learned a new trick today... you learned how to "give me five!"  You are so smart.  :)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Scheming with Molly

Today I found you talking to Molly and trying to let her out of her kennel.  I think you two were scheming about how to help her break free! :)

More Spaghetti Please!

Mommy was feeding you Mimi's spaghetti tonight for dinner.  When it was all gone, you were so upset!  You loved her spaghetti and wanted some more! 

Mommy gave you some apple sauce, and that made you happy again.  Much better!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Two More of Granny's Bibs

Nanny Betty offered me two more of Granny's bibs for your little brother and little sister.  Pop Pop's grandmother made these bibs over 60 years ago, so they are very special.  One is lined in blue, and the other is lined in pink.  Mommy can't wait to get them framed and hang them in their nursery.  Now all three of you will have a special keepsake from your Great-Great Grandmother. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

You're Going to Have... A Brother and a Sister!

Mommy will be 16 weeks pregnant this week.  Daddy brought Mommy to her Maternal Fetal Medicine appointment today.  They were able to tell us the genders of the twins.  We were so excited to find out that you are going to have a BROTHER and a SISTER!!! We could not be happier!!!  We brought you to dinner to celebrate.

On Wednesday, we had Mimi, Pop Pop, Say-Say, Uncle Will, your cousins, Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray over for dinner to reveal the genders of the babies. (And we called Uncle Joe on Face Time!)  Mommy had some cake balls made to help with the reveal.  For Baby A (boy), she had 15 chocolate covered blue cake balls, and for Baby B (girl), she had 15 white chocolate pink cake balls.  Everyone was SO excited that we are having one of each!! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Forty-Five Weeks Old

August Pictures

Ready to go run errands with Mommy!

Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner with friends for Uncle Casey's birthday.  Mimi and Pop Pop came to stay with you!

Three pregnant friends, waiting for four babies!

Eating like such a big girl!

Eating at Teita and Jeddo's house

Playing with Mommy in the bathroom while she puts on her make-up

Bath time!

A little tooshie action :)

Mommy and Daddy brought you to Aunt Linda's store at Clearview, Meme's.  She gave you several beautiful dresses, along with some socks and some pretty shoes.  We love you Aunt Linda! Thank  you for being so generous. 
You didn't want to nap this morning, and you missed your afternoon nap since we were shopping.  Once we got in the car to head home, you crashed!   Mommy sat in the back seat with you and just stared at your sweet face.  :)

Here are your new pretty shoes! You're going to start walking very soon, so it's time for you to start wearing shoes. 

Mommy brought you to Java Mama to play with your friends Julia and Brian.  They had all kinds of fun toys there.  You crawled straight to the car and started shifting gears.  :)

Trying on your first birthday hat!

Mommy set up a "finger painting" station for you.  You're not too into yet, but hopefully soon.

You love sitting at Mommy's feet and playing when she's sitting at the desk.

Making sure you've got every bite!


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