Wednesday, August 3, 2016

You're Going to Have... A Brother and a Sister!

Mommy will be 16 weeks pregnant this week.  Daddy brought Mommy to her Maternal Fetal Medicine appointment today.  They were able to tell us the genders of the twins.  We were so excited to find out that you are going to have a BROTHER and a SISTER!!! We could not be happier!!!  We brought you to dinner to celebrate.

On Wednesday, we had Mimi, Pop Pop, Say-Say, Uncle Will, your cousins, Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray over for dinner to reveal the genders of the babies. (And we called Uncle Joe on Face Time!)  Mommy had some cake balls made to help with the reveal.  For Baby A (boy), she had 15 chocolate covered blue cake balls, and for Baby B (girl), she had 15 white chocolate pink cake balls.  Everyone was SO excited that we are having one of each!! 

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