Monday, August 1, 2016

August Pictures

Ready to go run errands with Mommy!

Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner with friends for Uncle Casey's birthday.  Mimi and Pop Pop came to stay with you!

Three pregnant friends, waiting for four babies!

Eating like such a big girl!

Eating at Teita and Jeddo's house

Playing with Mommy in the bathroom while she puts on her make-up

Bath time!

A little tooshie action :)

Mommy and Daddy brought you to Aunt Linda's store at Clearview, Meme's.  She gave you several beautiful dresses, along with some socks and some pretty shoes.  We love you Aunt Linda! Thank  you for being so generous. 
You didn't want to nap this morning, and you missed your afternoon nap since we were shopping.  Once we got in the car to head home, you crashed!   Mommy sat in the back seat with you and just stared at your sweet face.  :)

Here are your new pretty shoes! You're going to start walking very soon, so it's time for you to start wearing shoes. 

Mommy brought you to Java Mama to play with your friends Julia and Brian.  They had all kinds of fun toys there.  You crawled straight to the car and started shifting gears.  :)

Trying on your first birthday hat!

Mommy set up a "finger painting" station for you.  You're not too into yet, but hopefully soon.

You love sitting at Mommy's feet and playing when she's sitting at the desk.

Making sure you've got every bite!

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