Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

We had a "puurrrrfect" Halloween this year!  You dressed as an adorable cat, and you went Trick-or-Treating for the first time.  Pop Pop, Mimi, Granny, Jeddo, Say-Say, Uncle Will, your cousins, Koko, and Uncle Mike all came over for chili, hot dogs, and cornbread.  Then we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  Granny stayed at home, and Uncle Mike sat outside our house to pass out candy.  The rest of us took off... Pop Pop drove Mommy in Uncle Will's Ranger because she's not able to walk too far these days.  (She's 28 1/2 weeks pregnant with your brother and sister!)  We had so much fun seeing you dressed up in your costume. :)




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