Thursday, October 6, 2016

Orange Beach Trip with Friends

The three of us went to Orange Beach with Uncle Jess, Aunt Ayme, and Jacob, Uncle Casey, Aunt Kay, and Julia, and Ryan and Megan.  We stayed at the Turquoise and had so much fun!  First day at the beach you sat in one spot on the sand the entire morning.  You did not like the sand one bit, and you didn't like the Gulf water either!  You were fine once we brought you to the pool, though!  On the second day at the beach, you liked the sand and water a little bit more, but you still were not too sure about it.  You had a great time playing inside with Jacob and Julia, though!

Mommy took a little nap with you on the way there!

Bath time!

Day 1 at the beach!

Day 2 at the beach!

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