Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas 2016

Christmas was so much fun this year!  You still don't quite understand what Christmas means or who Santa Claus is, but you loved spending time with your family and getting presents!

On Christmas Eve, Teita and Jeddo came over most of the day and brought ham and turkey to eat.  They gave you some Christmas presents, and you loved being strolled around in Teita's stroller.  Later that evening, Mimi, Pop Pop, and Granny came over for a sleep over. 

On Christmas morning, we played with your toys and later went to Say-Say and Uncle Will's house to open gifts with them.  We ate a yummy breakfast there, and you loved playing with your cousins and reading books with Mimi and Pop Pop.  We stayed there until it was time for your nap and came home.  Teita and Jeddo came back that evening for dinner.

You are the best gift Daddy and I have ever received!  We are so excited to welcome your brother and sister into this world in a few days and give you a little brother and little sister!  We love you so much.

 Say-Say, Joe Joe, and Ray Ray gave you a play kitchen for Christmas!  You LOVE cooking things and stirring things up!

You got twin baby dolls for Christmas.  You loved pushing them around in your new double stroller!

You got some bubbles in your stocking. They're special because they can land on your finger and not pop!

Daddy got some new socks!



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