Monday, December 12, 2016

Thirty-Four Weeks Pregnant

Today, Daddy and I had an appointment to check on Joseph and Caroline.  Joseph's heart rate was 136, and Caroline's heart rate was 129.  Both babies looked strong and healthy!  Dr. Chapman is wanting me to until I'm 38 weeks, which would be January 5, 2017.  Three more weeks until Catherine meets her little brother and sister.  Three more weeks until I can kiss both of their cheeks!!!
The ultrasound tech was able to get a good picture of Caroline's face this morning!  Look at those little lips!!  Joseph's head was too far down to see it, but we could see that he had the hiccups! 

Teita and Jeddo kept Catherine while Mommy and Daddy went to their doctor appointment.  Jeddo took this picture of us when I was picking up Catherine.  Look at that belly! 

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