Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter Crawfish Boil

We spent the day before Easter at Say-Say and Uncle Will's house for their annual crawfish boil.  You all had so much fun playing with your cousins and your family!  Joseph and Caroline used their push toys to walk all over the backyard, and Catherine loved swinging!  All three of you had fun rolling back and forth on Charlie's dump truck toy, too.  What a beautiful and fun day!  And the crawfish were AMAZING!!!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Fifteen Months Old

Happy 15 months Joseph and Caroline!  Caroline is taking several steps at a time, loves to "read" her books, feeds her baby doll, and plays by herself very well.  Joseph can say "Mama", "Dada", "Hi", "Bye Bye". He does not have a lot of patience, loves to smile and laugh, and can point to himself when you ask him "Where's Joseph?" 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Caroline's Tantrums

Caroline has started throwing "tantrums" when she gets upset!  She lays down on the floor face-down and cries.  You get over them quickly though! I love you even through your tantrums sweet girl.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Visit To St. Charles

We drove down to St. Charles today to see Granny and Mimi at Granny's house.  Caroline and Joseph met Uncle Moonie and Aunt Catherine for the first time today.  Catherine was very shy and didn't want to get off of Mommy's lap.  Joseph was shy, too... Caroline was OK with everyone though. ;)  (Uncle Moonie left before we took the picture.)  After a quick visit, we went to lunch with Mimi and Granny.  It was so good to see Granny and spend some time with her!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Palm Sunday

This morning, Mommy brought Catherine to Palm Sunday mass at St. Jude.  After mass, as we were walking out, a young girl came up to Catherine and handed her this cross made out of the stem of a palm.  How special!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Caroline Takes Her First Steps

Caroline took her first steps today!  She was in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom, and Daddy saw her take 3-4 steps.  He called for Mommy to come see, and she took some more steps with me.  We are so proud of you sweet girl!! 

Happy 10th Birthday Elizabeth and Grace!

We went to Say Say and Uncle Will's house this afternoon to help Elizabeth and Grace celebrate their birthdays!  Mimi and Pop Pop gave them roller blades, so we gave them helmets.  They had fun giving them a try for the first time!  Later, we sang "Happy Birthday" and shared chocolate cake.  I can't believe E and G are 10 years old already!  I am so proud of the young ladies you are, and I love you both very much!

Easter Fun with Friends

This morning, we went to the Schmeeckles' house for an Easter egg hunt and to dye eggs!  Joseph was a little sick with allergies and an ear infection, but you all had a great time... until the Easter Bunny (Uncle Jess) showed up!  All three of you were afraid of him.  After he hopped home, we all went inside to eat Uncle Casey's cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole.  Then we went back outside to dye eggs.  What a fun morning!


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