Thursday, March 8, 2018

Mommy Celebrates Her 36th Birthday

What a special birthday it was this year!!  Daddy sent me flowers the day before, which made me smile all day! On my birthday, the five of us went to the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans.  Is was all of your first time going to the zoo, and you loved it!  The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we had a wonderful day walking around and looking at the animals.  Catherine's favorite animals were the flamingos, the elephants, and the giraffes. 
Later that day, we drove to Houma and had an early dinner with Mimi and Pop Pop. Mimi made a birthday cookie cake for Mommy.  Catherine stayed with them for the weekend because Mommy and Daddy spent the weekend in New Orleans to celebrate Uncle Jess' birthday.  (Teita stayed with Joseph and Caroline at home.)  Mommy loves all of you so much.  Thank you for making not just my birthday but everyday so special.  

Mimi brought you to the park in Houma.  She said you loved running on the ramp!

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