Sunday, March 18, 2018

Happy 40th Birthday Daddy!

Lordy, lordy, Daddy's 40!  Happy birthday babe!!  Daddy didn't want to have a party or do anything major for his birthday this year, so he and Mommy went to dinner at Sullivan's the night before. Mimi and Pop Pop stayed over so that we could go out to dinner!  Daddy wanted to eat burgers at the bar, so that's what we did.  On Sunday, Daddy's actual birthday, we all had a nice breakfast together.  Then, Mommy and Daddy brought Catherine to mass while Mimi and Pop Pop stayed home with Caroline and Joseph.  Later that afternoon, we went eat dinner at Teita and Jeddo's house.  Natalie was in town, and the Teliches joined us, too.  I know Daddy had a special birthday with all of his babies!

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