Saturday, June 30, 2018

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

We celebrated Joseph and Caroline turning 18 months today!  Mommy baked you half of a birthday cake, and we sang "Happy Birthday" to each of you after dinner.  You both are growing and changing everyday!  Joseph makes "sweet eyes", knows opposites (Duck and Goose Opposites book), squints his eyes and fake cries when he wants something, and gives such sweet hugs!  Caroline can say some of her ABCs, says "Good!" when someone asks her how she's doing, loves beans and rice, and fights for what she wants.  Mommy and Daddy love you both so much!  

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lunch at Chester's

We had lunch today at Chester's Cypress In near Chacahoula.  This place opened in 1939!  Maw Maw and Paw Paw Chiasson used to take Pop Pop here as a kid, and they also took me years ago.  They are known for their fried chicken and onion rings!  They will be closing at the end of August, so Mommy wanted to take you all there before they go out of business.  You all enjoyed your chicken and french fries, and you loved drawing on the white paper on the table, too. It was special sharing a meal with all of you in a place that where I have sweet memories with your great-grandparents.

After lunch, we drove to Mimi and Pop Pop's house to spend the afternoon there.  We left Catherine there where she spent two nights.  Mimi and Pop Pop took spoiled her with a trip to the park and ice cream at Baskin Robbins.  You can't wait to go back!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thirty-Three Months Old

You are thirty-three months old today.  You are in gymnastics at The Little Gym, just finished swim lessons at Tadpole Academy, go to Music Together with Caroline and Joseph, love to dance, don't like strawberries because they are "too dotty", love ketchup, are potty-trained, love Frozen "What's that amazing smell... chocoloate!  Eew!", can finish the lines in most of the books we read to you and your brother and sister, love the playground, and have wonderful manners.  We love you doodlebug!

You wanted a picture with Miss Katie!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Happy 89th Birthday Granny!

Today, our Granny turns 89 years old!  We picked up Granny in Thibodaux and brought her to lunch at Hebert's in Houma. Mimi and Pop Pop met us there, and we had a delicious lunch together. Granny was excited because usually you all can be a little shy around her.  However, today all three of you went right up to her and gave her hugs.  Caroline and Granny played around together all through lunch. Granny is such a beautiful person inside and out, and we love her so much!  
Happy birthday Granny!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Music Together

We started the summer session of Music Together this morning, and it was just us and our friends! We decided to take a group picture after class since it was just us.  So fun!


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