Sunday, June 24, 2018

Lunch at Chester's

We had lunch today at Chester's Cypress In near Chacahoula.  This place opened in 1939!  Maw Maw and Paw Paw Chiasson used to take Pop Pop here as a kid, and they also took me years ago.  They are known for their fried chicken and onion rings!  They will be closing at the end of August, so Mommy wanted to take you all there before they go out of business.  You all enjoyed your chicken and french fries, and you loved drawing on the white paper on the table, too. It was special sharing a meal with all of you in a place that where I have sweet memories with your great-grandparents.

After lunch, we drove to Mimi and Pop Pop's house to spend the afternoon there.  We left Catherine there where she spent two nights.  Mimi and Pop Pop took spoiled her with a trip to the park and ice cream at Baskin Robbins.  You can't wait to go back!

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