Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sunday Church

This morning, Daddy and I brought the three of you to church for the first time without help (extra hands!).  Catherine did a great job sitting still, staying quiet, and moving her hands like the lady in the choir. ;)  She even followed along with the readings using her finger.  Caroline and Joseph got restless about halfway through mass, so we struggled keeping them happy!  At one point, Daddy went to the back with Caroline (we always sit in the first pew), and Joseph started screaming!!  During Father Trey's homily, Caroline screamed out, "Oh no!"  and everyone laughed.  Pheww!!  Mommy and Daddy were tired after mass, but we're glad we were all able to go together.  We'll be back next week!

After mass, we went play on the playground with the Schmeeckles.  Catherine and Jacob held hands as we walked out of church.  So sweet!

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