Sunday, September 30, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Happy Third Birthday Catherine!

Happy 3rd Birthday Catherine Ann!  How did this day get here already?  It feels like you were just born, and here we are celebrating your third year.  These past three years have without a doubt been the best three years of my life.  Your smile and your laugh light up my world, and you amaze me everyday with your silly made-up songs and your funny phrases.  "You betcha!" and "That oughtta do the trick!" are just a couple of them.  You have come out of your shy shell, and you love dancing around, singing songs, dressing up, cooking in the kitchen, teaching your brother and sister new things, and playing games.  

On your third birthday, Mommy and Daddy woke you up with a birthday song.  You opened presents (we gave you two princess nightgowns, a princess matching game, and an electronic toothbrush).  Daddy made the three of you pancakes, and then it was off to school!  Mommy brought you and your class some doughnut holes at snack time.  You had your first day of soccer today, so Mommy picked you up after practice.  Teita and Jeddo met us there and brought you a birthday balloon.  We made brownies when we got home, and some friends and family came over that evening to celebrate with you.  

The following day was a Saturday, and we had your birthday party at Sunny Farms in Baton Rouge.  You had SO MUCH FUN!  You rode a pony for the first time (two ponies actually! First Peaches, then Dusty!), you pet a donkey, you fed goats, went on a hayride, hiked through the woods, and had fun swinging!  What a special day!!  We love you so much!!

Last night as a two year old!

Happy birthday!  Opening presents before breakfast!


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