Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Catherine's First Day of MDO

Oh my heart!  Catherine began Mother's Day Out at Jefferson Baptist today!  She was very excited and couldn't wait to put on her backpack.  Daddy, Joseph, Caroline, and I walked her into class where her teachers, Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Dana, were waiting for her.  She walked right in and never looked back!  Mommy cried a few tears (happy tears!) seeing her baby girl growing up so fast.
When Mommy picked Catherine up, she was all smiles.  She said she played with Play-Do, painted, sang songs, read a book about a kitten wearing a shirt, and sat next to a girl with black hair. This year, you will be going to school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:55-1.  On Fridays, from September-December, you're going to be playing soccer after school, too!  You are so excited to start! Your first soccer class will actually be on your birthday!

I pray you continue growing into a kind, smart, respectful, and sweet little girl.  
Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Say Say came over before we left for school to take some pictures of you in your pretty dress. She also brought you a fun sticker pad and three necklaces Anna made for you.  You are so blessed to have such a loving family!  

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