Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sweet Caroline!

Tonight, Mommy was reading a book to Caroline and Joseph in Joseph's room.  The both of you were on my lap, and Catherine came in and wanted to sit down, too.  I told her to stand next to us and listen to the story since there was not much room left on the chair.  A few seconds later, Caroline wiggled out of my lap and went get the pink and purple stool that was in his room.  She brought it next to our chair and pointed to it while telling Catherine "over" (sit down).  What a sweet thing to do Caroline!!  We love you sweet girl!

The next morning, Caroline was on the changing table when she dropped her book behind it.  Joseph saw this happen and moved the diaper pail out of the way to retrieve her book.  Then he handed it to her and said "Here (you) go!"  What a sweet boy you are, too!

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of all three of you!

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