Monday, August 10, 2020

Catherine's First Day of Kindergarten

It was a BIG day over here! Catherine started Kindergarten today!  She was so excited and was sitting up in bed when I went to wake her up.  She was all smiles and not at all nervous.  Her teachers this year are Mrs. Cannon (homeroom), Mrs. Owens, and Mrs. Capdevielle. 
On the way home from school, this is what Catherine told me about her day...
Her teacher is so nice.  She loves her desk and sits by the bucket of dinosaurs.  She played red light green light at recess.  It was her class' turn to play on the field today, but they'll have the playground tomorrow.  She ate her chicken, biscuit, and apples for lunch.  Her teacher read The Kissing Hand and she gave everyone a bag of Hershey Kisses to take home.  She painted a raccoon rainbow colors.  She only got one snack instead of two like last year and it was goldfish.  Her nap was shorter than last year, but the floor is harder.  
Today was her staggered entry day, so there were only 7 in class.  Tomorrow will be the first day for everyone in her class to be there.  She can't wait for tomorrow!
Daddy and I love you so much and are so proud of you.  You work hard and you have a kind heart.  We pray you continue to be the confident and sweet person that you are.  
Have a wonderful year lovebug.

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