Thursday, August 6, 2020

Fun in Dulac

We decided to spend our last weekend of summer vacation at the fishing camp in Dulac.  Mommy and Mimi drove down Thursday, and Daddy came Friday afternoon after work.  You three had fun building towers, playing with the "new" toys there, playing Chutes and Ladders and Candyland with Mimi, riding on the boat (Caroline was still a little nervous, but did OK!).  
Friday morning, Pop Pop and Mommy went fishing just the two of us.  We had a BLAST!  I don't remember the last time we did that.  Pop Pop taught me how to get my fishing line ready.  The first time my line hit the water, I caught the biggest trout of the day.  Then we went a few hours without catching a thing.  When we were about to give up, we found a fishing hole where the fish were BITING!  Not many of them were keepers, but we caught a bunch.  We ended up catching eight trouts that were keepers.  On Sunday morning, Pop Pop taught me how to clean fish.  We both ended up bring a bag of fillets home, and they were delicious!  I can't wait to go fishing again soon.  
Thank you Mimi for watching my babies while I was gone!
Friday afternoon, we all went for a boat ride together.  It was a gorgeous day!! You all took turns driving the boat with Pop Pop, and Catherine and Joseph especially loved when we bounced on the waves.  Caroline was most comfortable with Mommy next to her.  
What a fun weekend before school starts!  Thanks Mimi and Pop Pop!

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