Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Catherine's Birthday Tea at Aunt Natalie's House

Uncle Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie gave Catherine a PBK Princess Tea Set for her birthday this year.  So she invited us over for tea today to continue the birthday celebration.  You all were excited to get dressed up in your Belle dress, Snow White dress, and Spider Man cape.  What a fun afternoon!  
Thank you Aunt Natalie!  We love you.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Mighty Mermaids Play St. Jude K Boys

It was a beautiful morning to play soccer!  This was Catherine's first soccer game with her team, and she scored the ONLY point!!  Way to go my girl!!  We are so proud of you.  You are not an aggressive player and can be a bit shy when it comes to stealing the ball away from the other team.  But the opportunity presented itself for you to kick the ball into the goal, and you did it!!  There was lots of cheering going on.  And you were so excited to be playing William and Eli's team.  It was Mommy's turn to bring snacks for the team, so I brought donuts and juice.  You three enjoyed eating your chocolate donut with sprinkles.  After the game, we went to the CCLA park with Isabella and had a play date. Y'all decided to play in the spray park with your clothes on and got soaking wet (except for Joseph!  He wasn't into getting wet in his clothes).  What a fun Saturday!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Catherine's 5th Year Wellness Check

Your wellness check went great today!  You are 44 lb. 8 oz (78th percentile), 44" tall (80th percentile), and your BMI is 16.16 (75th percentile).  We all got the flu shot while we were there (Daddy got his last week).  Catherine and Joseph cried a little, Caroline did not.  You were screened for vision and hearing afterward.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Catherine Turns FIVE!

Because of COVID this year, we decided to have a few smaller parties for you instead of one big party.  On Saturday, we had over a few of your school friends for an ice cream party!  You invited Caroline Owens, Madeline Merchant, Isabella Heard, William Anderson, Brynlee Ammons, and Austin Ammons.  You guys had fun jumping in the bounce house, playing in the driveway, eating cupcakes, and making your own ice cream sundaes.  
On Sunday morning, we had brunch with Teita, Jeddo, Ray Ray, and Aunt Natalie at BRQ.  Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie gave you a princess tea set.  Teita and Jeddo gave you some diamond earrings.  Teita said they belonged to her when she was a young girl.  How special.
On Sunday afternoon, we had our friends' kids come over for cupcakes and ice cream.  The Teliches, Chapmans, Schmeeckles, and Hargroders came, and Mrs. Yvonne and Mr. Paul stopped by for a little while.  You guys had a blast!!
Monday was your actual birthday.  Mommy and Daddy woke you up with a birthday song.  We gave you your present, which was a tumbling mat, an Elsa nightgown, and unicorn sandals for you to wear to tumbling.  You requested homemade waffles, so that's what we had!  You brought Little Debbie Birthday Cakes to school to celebrate with your class.  You were so excited your classmates were going to be making you cards in class!  That afternoon, dancing and tumbling were cancelled, so we were able to stay home.  Mimi, Pop Pop, Say Say, Uncle Will, and your cousins came over for brownies.  You all played in the driveway and had a great time!
Happy 5th birthday my girl.  Being your Mom is the greatest joy of my life.  I am so proud of you.  You love school and work so hard, you are kind and have a sweet heart,  and you love your family and friends.  You are SO SPECIAL, and we LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

Say Say bought Pop Pop a Santa costume to wear for pictures this year.  She brought it over to try on! Fit great! ;)

Thank you for the mermaid key chain Mrs. Yvonne!

Sweet dreams my 5-year-old!



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